Our Services

At Coda, we understand the challenges and uncertainties that come with the evolving landscape of music notation software. When Finale announced its sunset, we saw the immense concern among composers, arrangers, and musicians who had invested countless hours in creating their scores. That’s why we set up Coda - to offer a reliable solution that ensures your music remains accessible, editable, and beautifully engraved in the software of your choice. Our mission is to seamlessly transition your scores from Finale to modern platforms like Dorico, Sibelius, and MuseScore, preserving the integrity of your work. As we continue to grow, our vision extends beyond re-notation, exploring innovative music technology solutions that will empower musicians and creators in new and exciting ways.

Basic Conversion

Our Basic Conversion service is designed for those who simply need their Finale scores transferred to a new notation software without any engraving adjustments. We ensure that all musical information is preserved and correctly displayed in your chosen platform - be it Dorico, Sibelius, or MuseScore - allowing you to continue your work seamlessly.

Standard Engraving

The Standard Engraving service is perfect for conventional scores where the quality of the engraving is just as important as the music itself. We meticulously transfer your Finale files, making necessary adjustments to ensure that the original engraving, formatting, and layout are faithfully preserved in the new software, so your scores remain as polished and professional as you intended

Advanced Engraving

For non-conventional and contemporary scores that require a high level of detail and customization, our Advanced Engraving service provides expert re-engraving. We go beyond simple file conversion, carefully reconstructing intricate engravings to maintain the artistic and functional integrity of your compositions, ensuring they look and perform beautifully in their new format.


At Coda, our pricing is customised to each project, reflecting the specific needs and complexity of your score. To ensure transparency and fairness, we base our rates on the number of staves and bars in your score. Below are the starting rates for our services:

Custom Pricing Formula:

  • Base Rate for Each Tier:

    • Basic Conversion: Starting at £0.05 per stave per bar

    • Standard Engraving: Starting at £0.10 per stave per bar

    • Advanced Engraving: Starting at £0.20 per stave per bar

This tiered rate structure allows us to tailor our pricing according to the detail and effort required for each project.

Request a Quote:

For a precise quote tailored to the specific details of your score, please contact us or fill out our project submission form. We will provide a personalised quote based on the complexity of your music.

Rush Services:

If you require expedited service, additional fees apply depending on the complexity and turnaround time needed.

Book a free consultation